Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get inspired!

You know how some people are just happy? They go around smiling, and saying "hi!" and "have a nice day" and meaning it and all?  Positive people.  UGH.  Well I used to be one of those people who's first response to that was "hrumpf!" I was such a cynic with a capital C.  I thought, what are they so happy about?  They must be dillusional.  Do they not live in the same noisy, gritty, busy, busy, BUSY world as me? 

It turns out - they don't.  But the funny thing is, it wasn't that they didn't live in my busy world - I was just walking through their world, THIS world, with my head up my bum and grimace on my face - understandable now in hindsight.  I've decided this year is going to be different.  This year, no more cynicism - no more "meh." 

The lady in the picture above is case in point.  Meet Megan.  She is one of my inspirations this year and the epitome of positivity.  Megan says what she means, and means what she says.  She is a massive Oprah fan and even features on the upcoming Aussie shows where she had the Big O over for dinner.  She's taken the famous Oprah credo of "live your best life" and put it into action.  And you know what the universe has done in return to her doing that? It has made her an inspiration to others, including me, in return.  The best payback anyone could get - being an inspiration to do better, be better, and achieve.

So while Muhammad Ali, Oprah herself and Tara Whitney (LOVE Tara) amongst others close to home (heart) bring out the best in me, Megan has let me see what can be achieved when you start listening to that teeny, tiny little voice inside that whispers "do it" and turns it into a loud, booming "DO IT!"

So thanks Megan - and watch out world - I'm coming at ya with a great big smile on my face!

be inspired by Megan here:


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