Sunday, December 26, 2010

How's it go again?

Excuse me while I crack the knuckles, fiddle my fingers and wave them over the keyboard as I prepare to dive in the blogosphere once more.....

After wandering away from my keyboard and the hard slog of life as a SAHM, I stepped into the shoes of a working woman once more.  It lasted almost 16 months and but soon, I will be back at the coalface that is my kitchen sink once more.

You may be wondering, dear reader, if I am pleased about this turn of events and the answer is an unequivocal and resounding YES!

Being a working woman once more was a challenge after just 5 years out of the trenches.  If my wardrobe wasn't ready for it, how the hell was I suppose to figure it out?  I felt like the new kid at school, where everyone else had the cliques sorted (cool kids, tech heads, fashionistas) and I was the slightly older, substitute teacher.  The work itself was great, so I settled in to it and quickly learnt to juggle husband, kids, childcare, lunch preparations, interstate travel, early morning meetings and new co-workers.  

Life was just peachy, till it wasn't and the wheels fell off my fun bus.  I had been so busy with the business of being in business, that I didn't have as much time to spend baking with the kids, planning fabulous family feasts instead of boring dinners, cleaning the house within an inch of it's life, or my next big creative "thing".  I had been so sure that my little sojourn back in the working masses would not cramp my family style - but it did and I didn't like it.  Don't get me wrong, I liked earning my own way and being able to contribute financially to our household was great - but being a mum and all that that entails - for me - is so much more satisfying to me.

So whilst I will miss the money, the analytical thinking, the budgets and forecasts, the co-workers and in my business, the perks - the flip side of taking my kids to the museum, the freedom of spending a day baking, the smiles across the table as we feast on Indian night (complete with dress ups - a new addition), the pure enjoyment of being with my family will more than make up for it all.

Oh, and as for my bra burning sisters who wil tsk tsk this blatant plug for the non working mothers who LOVE what they do and don't feel the need to compete on that playing field, the stage is yours.  I'll be at the park with my kids on the swings......


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