Thursday, December 30, 2010

the space inbetween..

I've got post Christmas/ pre New Year's blues.  Well, not quite blues, more like "bah?".  I love Christmas, especially with the kids.  They make it so worthwhile and exciting.  I get to see it through the eyes of a four year old and he lets me fall in love with the whole believing in Santa thing again.  But after the presents have been opened, the first toy has been broken, the leftovers have been eaten (again!) and the pants been loosened another notch - we wait.  We wait for a new year to begin, lazing about in a limbo of eating, lying in the sun, playing in the park and it feels like time in standing still.  Love it.

A few years ago, okay, MANY years ago, the days after Christmas were completely different.  To me then, these days were the best part of the holidays.  You know New Year's is coming and that means WOO HOO - parties!  Where to go, who with, what to do and most importantly....what to wear - EEK!  So much preparation, primping, preening and tanning to do.  It filled each and every day and this was of course, pre-mobile phones   This meant lots and lots of long phone calls with the girls in between shopping trips. The endless details were reported on what was bought, for how much and where.  It was the 80s for me, so none of this less is more rubbish.  More like the more the merrier and keep it coming.  Heaps of bangles, headbands, and layers, lots of layers.  Did we not realise it was summer? DUH!  Add to that the elaborate hairstyles with heaps of hairspray and we were a walking fire hazard. 

These days things are much more sedate and I kinda like it that way.  Family is what it's all about and as my son says, it's "celebrate" today so that's what we intend to do just minus the hairspray and tequila shots.

Happy New Year to all and may the new year bring you all happiness and health!



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